Read Some Frequently Asked Questions

When you walk-in to Arrow Windows-Doors & More showroom in Moncton, be sure to bring the list of questions you might have before you start your renovation or construction project. Our experienced and courteous staff will provide you with all the right solutions. Are you confused and don’t know where to start? Let us help. Take a look at our answers to some of the frequently asked questions. Contact us for more information.
Condensation FAQ
What is condensation?
Condensation is the fog that suddenly appears in cold weather on the glass of windows and sliding doors. It can block out the view, drip on the floor, freeze on glass, and it’s annoying. It's natural to blame the windows, but you shouldn't.
What causes window condensation?
Window condensation is the result of excess humidity in your home. The glass only provides a cold surface on which humidity can visibility condense. The fog on your windows is a form of condensation; so is the water that forms on the outside of a glass of iced tea in the summer and on the bathroom mirrors and walls after someone takes a hot shower. Condensation usually occurs first on windows because glass surfaces have the lowest temperature of any of the interior surfaces in the house. When the warm moist air comes into contact with the cooler glass surfaces, the moisture condenses.
The important thing is, your foggy windows and sliding doors are trying to tell you to reduce indoor humidity before it causes hidden, costly problems elsewhere in your home. Problems like peeling paint, rotting wood, buckling floors, insulation deterioration, mildew, even moisture spots on ceilings and walls.
Foggy windows and sliding doors are the indicators, the warning signs that humidity could be damaging to your home.
How can my home have indoor humidity?
Humidity is water vapour, or moisture, in the air. All air contains a certain amount of moisture, even indoors.
Where does the moisture come from?
There are many things that generate indoor moisture; humidifiers will, heating systems, and even plants. Cooking three meals a day adds four or five pints of water to the air. Each shower contributes 1/2 pint. In fact, every activity that uses water (like dishwashing, mopping floors, doing laundry) adds moisture into the air.
How much indoor humidity is too much?
The householder can use windows as a guide to the proper humidity level within the house. If objectionable condensation occurs on the inside surface of the windows, the humidity level is too high. To avoid excessive condensation, the following winter humidity is recommended in the house:
Outside Temperature: °C
Inside Relative Humidity:
15 to 20%
15 to 20%
20 to 25%
25 to 30%
30 to 35%
Will reducing the humidity in my home during winter help control condensation?
Eliminate the excessive humidity, and you will eliminate most, possibly all the condensation.
How can i reduce the humidity in my home?
Control the sources of moisture and increase ventilation.
As a temporary solution to an acute problem, open a window in each room for just a few minutes. Opening windows allows the stale, humid air to escape, and fresh dry air to enter. After a shower, for example, open the bathroom window, or turn on the exhaust fan, so steam can go outside instead of remaining in the home.
Vent all gas burners, etc. to the outdoors. Install kitchen and bathroom exhaust fans. If there are a large number of plants in the house during winter, concentrate them in one sunny room and avoid over-watering.
Keep basements as dry as possible by waterproofing floors and walls. Run a dehumidifier if necessary. Make sure attic vents are open and unobstructed.
Opening the windows slightly throughout the house for a brief time each day will go far toward allowing humid air to escape and drier air to enter. The heat loss will be minimal. Installation of storm windows will often relieve condensation on the prime house windows by keeping the interior glass warmer.
Does condensation occur more often in particular climates or type of homes?
Absolutely! Condensation is more apt to occur in climates where the average January temperature is 35°F or colder because there will be greater extremes between indoor and outdoor temperatures affecting the glass surfaces in the home.
During the summer and fall, all parts of a house pick up moisture from damp air. In the fall, when the windows are closed and heat is turned on, this moisture will pass into the air of the house and for a week or two there is likely to be condensation.
During the first year after construction or remodelling, it is likely a house will have more condensation present because of the massive amount of moisture in the building materials used. Building materials need about one year to dry out, so excessive condensation can be expected in the first heating season. Even after the first year, if the humidity level is too high, condensation may still be a problem because today's homes are much "tighter" (in the interests of energy efficiency) than older homes. New materials and techniques in weather-stripping, insulation, vapour barriers, etc., which are intended to keep out the cold air, also lock moisture inside. As a result, moisture created by bathrooms, kitchens, laundries and occupants no longer flows to the outside, unless mechanically ventilated.
Are there cases where window condensation is only temporary?
Yes, there are primarily three: New Construction or remodeling; the beginning of each heating season; Quick changes in temperature.
Wood, plaster, cement, and other building materials used in new construction and remodeling produce a great deal of moisture. During the heating season, there may be a certain amount of temporary condensation. During the humid summer your house will have absorbed some moisture. After the first few weeks of heating it will dry out, and you'll have fewer condensation troubles.
Sharp, quick drops in temperature can also create temporary condensation problems during the heating season.
Why, if my old windows did not have condensation do my new windows have it now?
One of the reasons you probably replaced your old windows was because they were drafty, and when the wind wasn't blowing in, those slight cracks allowed the excessive humidity within your house to escape to the outdoors. Now that your windows are tight, that excess humidity that is in your house is unable to escape, and therefore, it is showing itself on the glass. This is your first indication that you have too much humidity in your home.
You say I should have less humidity, but I have been told that more humidity is healthier.
At one time it was believed that humidifiers helped people stay healthy during the winter months. Recent tests have shown that for usually healthy people, this is not the case. In fact, humidifiers may actually cause health problems.
Additionally, the association of home appliance manufacturers makes no medical claims for humidifiers because an association spokesman said, “we do not have evidence of medical benefits”. However, the association said, “Manufacturers do maintain that humidifiers help plants and furniture only”.
Does the amount of condensation depend on the type of window?
Sometimes, recessed windows like bay or bow windows, usually experience more condensation than any other window styles. This is because air circulated around those window types is usually more restricted, and since they hang away from the insulated house wall, bays and bows could be a few degrees cooler in temperature. To diminish excessive condensation, the installer will insulate under the seat and head of the unit. As a secondary measure, placing a common electric fan near the window to produce air circulation may also be helpful.
Do drapes and window shades cause window condensation?
Drapes and other window coverings don't cause window condensation, but they can contribute to the problem by restricting the flow of warm air over the glass surface. Therefore, condensation is more apt to occur when drapes are closed and shades are pulled down. Today's heavily insulated drapes and tighter shades can contribute to the problem even more.
Remember, windows do not cause condensation:
Therefore, there cannot be a window that will eliminate condensation. However, certain materials used in the manufacture of windows will be more condensation-free than others.
The following sources were used:
The condensation problem-HERE ARE THE CAUSES AND CURES.Canadian Builder, Vol. XIII No. 7.
What is PVC?
PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) or, more commonly “vinyl” is one of the most versatile plastics in use today. About six billion pounds (2.73 billion kg) of PVC are used each year to produce a wide variety of products. You are probably familiar with many products made from PVC - such as vinyl floor covering, furniture upholstery, medical tubing, vinyl house siding, vinyl wallpaper, water piping, and many other consumer and industrial products.
Why is PVC used to make pipe furniture for lawn or patio use?
At Arrow, we have selected PVC for pipe furniture because of its remarkable combination of qualities. These qualities include strength, impact resistance to the sun's ultraviolet rays, and the ability to be formed into attractive shapes.
Is PVC pipe furniture better than metal or wood lawn furniture?
PVC pipe furniture will not rust, corrode or peel like steel, aluminum, or wood furniture. PVC requires little-if any- maintenance to keep it looking like new.
Is PVC pipe furniture made from standard "plumbing grade" PVC pipe and fittings?
Definitely not! Standard plumbing grade PVC pipe and fittings are designed for use in the ground or inside a house. These pipes and fittings have a very low resistance to the sun's ultraviolet rays which can cause them to degrade and yellow. Our PVC pipe furniture is made from a specially developed "furniture grade" formula which contains titanium dioxide and a special blend of stabilizers. These ingredients give furniture grade PVC greater resistance to constant exposure of the sun's rays.
Is PVC pipe furniture indestructible?
Nothing is indestructible, but our "furniture grade" PVC has been formulated to contain additives which provide it with a high level of strength to resist impacts and rough handling.
If PVC pipe furniture becomes dirty, how should it be cleaned?
A mild soap and water wash should remove normal dirt build-up. Excessively dirty furniture can generally be restored using any commercially available vinyl cleaner. Abrasive cleaners should not be used, as they could permanently dull and scratch the surface finish.
What is Werzalit?
Werzalit is a patented manufacturing process, developed by Werzalit AG & Co. of Germany. Our process combines wood, resins and melamine to produce a unique high tech composite. Werzalit produces tabletops, building products and other specialty items that must withstand the extremes of moisture, weather and surface abrasion. Werzalit of America produces a range of quality tabletops and other products in its Bradford, Pennsylvania plant.
Isn't Werzalit just particle board?
Definitely Not! Werzalit core material is designed to resist Immersion in water-even boiling water - wet conditions that would cause an ordinary particle board to quickly disintegrate. Also, Werzalit is moulded with a fused thermo set surface that resists stains, scratches and harsh use.
What is the surface made of?
Werzalit tabletop surfaces are Melamine, one of the world's toughest plastics. Melamine is so scratch resistant that it is used in dinnerware, ashtrays and other products that must stand up to hard use and repeated scrubbing. Melamine is so hard and non-porous that even dried paint can be removed easily. It is resistant to graffiti, cigarette burns, bird droppings and all types of food stains. The surface will not harbour bacteria or mildew. Stubborn stains can be removed with household cleaners and light rubbing with 0000 steel wool.
Is this a laminated product?
No. The melamine on the Werzalit surface is chemically bonded, not glued on as with ordinary in-door laminates. Glued laminates are only as strong as the adhesive, and often can be peeled apart. Werzalit uses intense heat and pressure to chemically unite the core with the melamine surface. Since our core also uses melamine, the two components are permanently fused into a single composite structure.
Can I leave my tabletop out all year?
Werzalit is not damaged by ice, snow, or sunlight and can remain outdoors all year. Of course, protected storage in the off season will keep your furniture looking new that much longer. Unlike lacquered resin tabletops, Werzalit will not discolour if stored under plastic covers or tarpaulins.
What about safety?
Probably the safest product of its kind! It will not splinter or shatter like glass. Its hefty weight stabilizes the table. It isn't likely to tip over or blow away in a breeze like lightweight resin tops. There is no metal rim to trap bacteria and no sharp edges or protrusions that could inflict injury.
What colours or patterns are available?
Although white is the most popular colour for outdoor furniture, Werzalit is manufactured in a wide variety of patterns and colours. Stock colours may change somewhat from season to season based on styling trends in the industry.
Can I paint my Werzalit tabletop?
Conventional paints do not adhere well to the Werzalit melamine surface. There are some special two component paints that may be used, but they are costly and usually require professional application.
How long will a Werzalit tabletop last?
That depends on the type of treatment it gets. With a little care, Werzalit tops have lasted for many years in demanding climates. The manufactures of outdoor furniture using Werzalit tabletops have a variety of individual warranty policies. In addition, Werzalit has a three-year limited warranty. We stand behind each top we sell.